EACF adult ministries currently includes Sunday worship services, and small groups. God blesses us to gather with one another on Sundays for worship and fellowship, but we are also blessed when we gather at other times throughout the week to share, pray, serve, and study God's Word together. Along with each person's personal devotional, prayer, and worship times, the small group gatherings allow us to experience God working through each of us to bless and support one another.
Small Groups will meet weekly together so we can share Christ's love and spur one another on toward maturing in our relationships with God. Currently, we are all meeting virtually except for the Friday group (Jay)! We will have guided discussions on various bible studies. The week after the last Sunday of each month is an off-week as we have a Community Dinner on Sunday evening and then a leaders' meeting during the week. The list of groups is below; contact the leaders for the zoom link or address to join and more information.
Small Groups
Wednesday Night
Contact: Albert Yang (albert.g.yang@gmail.com)
or Helen Chow (hlnchow4@gmail.com)
Friday Night (In-person)
Contact: Dave Yang (davidmyang@yahoo.com)
or Clarisse Tsang (clarisse.tsang@gmail.com)
Saturday Men’s Group - Doraville
Contact: Mike Lo (mike.lo@ekklesiaatlanta.org)
College & Young Adult Group
Saturdays 6pm at Peachtree Corners
(Dinner 6pm, Bible study 7pm)
Contact: Yvonne Wang (yvonne820504@gmail.com)