Our History
Ekklesia Atlanta Christian Fellowship (EACF) was originally the English Ministry for Atlanta Chinese Christian Church (ACCC). Our original purpose was to serve the English-speaking Chinese American children of the immigrant parents who founded ACCC.
Over time, as the leaders of the English Ministry considered the future of our ministry, we became convinced that we had to become an independent church to better serve the communities around us. We recognized that as long as Chinese immigrants continue to settle in Atlanta, the need for an English-speaking second generation ministry for ACCC would remain. Thus, the English and Chinese ministry leaders adopted a dual church model, where both churches would share facilities and collaborate on certain ministries such as youth and children’s programs while remaining independent of each other in finances and governance. This would benefit both churches moving forward.
EACF was incorporated in Georgia on October 2013.
Feel free to learn more about EACF bylaws and our Dual Church Covenant.